Plant Health Week




Izzy the Inspector Book 

This fun activity booklet invites children to ‘Help protect our plants with Izzy the Inspector’ - it covers topics on things like why plants are important and an introduction to plant disease, insects and fungi, to name a few, all designed to encourage children to explore the plants around them


Webinar links


Monday 21st September -

The Bacterial Plant Diseases Programme (funded by BBSRC, NERC, Defra and Scottish Government) has funded nine research projects to understand bacterial diseases of UK plants, and find ways to address them. In this webinar the programme’s Coordination Team will introduce the projects and what they hope to achieve. Register here

British Society of Plant Pathology Biocontrol webinar at 3.30pm


Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd September-

Landscape Institute webinar- Tackling the Climate and Biodiversity emergency register here


Thursday 24th September-

British Society of Plant Pathology webinar, visualising how plants and microbes function in sign language. The webinar will be hosted by the BSPP with members of the British Sign Language Group at Edinburgh University. Register here:  

UK Squirrel Accord webinar, with speakers presenting on issues around grey squirrel bark stripping damage and the impacts on tree health, timber production and more. Register here:  


Saturday 26th September-

The Tree Council annual conference. Taking action for healthy trees and celebrating 30 years of Tree Wardening in 2020. Register here: 


Thank you to all the partners that have made Plant Health Week possible:

The British Society Plant Pathologists (BSPP), the Tree Council, Horticultural Trades Association, Royal Horticultural Society, Action Oak, Kew, the Landscape Institute, Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), Forestry Commission (FC), Forestry England (FE), Forest Research (FR), Observatree, Woodland Trust (WT), Kew, Arboriculture Association (AA), UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Natural England( NE), Confederation of Forest Industries (UK) Ltd (CONFOR), National Trust, British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI), Garnet Community, Scottish Government, Welsh Government, Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA), Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), The Squirrel Accord, National Farmers Union (NFU), Grown in Britain (GIB), The Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA), the Duchy of Cornwall